Please click on appropriate text to see the corresponding pictures.
Pictures from Joe Heidrick’s Demotion Party 2018
Kilian’s Pictures from Australia.
Pictures from Suzanne Kavanagh’s Demotion Party 2017
Pictures from Leslie Bush’s Demotion Party on July 1, 2016
Pictures from Peter Falley’s Demotion Party on June 26, 2015
Pictures from the 2014 Holiday Party
Pictures from Kilian Schwabe’s year in Silver City (2014-15)
Sunny (Yates) Kellerman demotion party 2014 taken by Debra Sands-Miller
Pictures from Rotary Youth Exchange Student Emilie Charlez’s farewell party on July 5, 2014
Pictures from the 2014 Auction
Pictures from the 2013 Holiday Party
Pictures from the 2013 90th Anniversary Party
Pictures from William Knuttinen’s Demotion Party 2013
Pictures from Wayne Barnard’s Demotion Party 2012
Pictures from the 2012 Rotary Auction
Pictures of South Africa Group Exchange Visit in 2012
Pictures from Rotary Weekend 2011 (Fairgate and Gila Monster Challenge)